Saturday, September 29, 2007

Grand Final night...

Now I'm going to need a few people to help me out here... because from here on in everything gets a little hazy.

I know that I did have a kip before Muz, Gaz and I headed out the Shammy (Thanks Kaz for the lift)... but then I had a few sticky drinks and it all goes a bit fuzzy....

I do know that some of the boys never even made it out! Going to bed (I'd call it "passing out") before 6pm!!!!

Patto was in fine form - in her Geelong "bootie" slippers (did you manage to get them white again Patto?). Half the pub was wearing Geelong jerseys. And pretty much everyone were yelling "Go Cats".

I know that as people left to go to OPT that Muz and I got Pizza (mmm Roma....) before walking/stumbling home.

I dont really know what else happened. Neither do most other people I think.

Fill me in on what YOU remember of Saturday night!

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